Management Shift

Case Study:
The Management Consultancy

 Facilitating Strategy for Growth


This boutique management consultancy, based in the USA, specialises in advising large firms. 


The company was starting from a fairly strong base: scores in the 6 Box Leadership Model across the categories Culture, Relationships, Individuals, Strategy, Systems and Resources ranged from 75% to 82%.

They wanted to move from Level 4 to Level 5 to support planned growth. There were some exceptionally high scores on Culture, but also some indications that stress or overwork could become problems. Use of the 6 Box analysis led directly to a revamped intranet, boosting social media communications, and enhanced personal development plans.

It gave managers valuable intelligence to inform strategic and operational questions, such as: What should we stop doing? What should we continue and build upon? What should we start doing? One of the business’s leaders observed: ‘The 6-Box Leadership [model] integrates the systems/process, strategy and resources (the hard side of culture) much more directly and efficiently.’ 


In 18 months after the project was completed, the revenue grew 300% and the company doubled in size from 9 to 18 consultants. 

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